- The plans for the new town hall were then still only a gleam in the architect's eye. 当时有关新市政大厅的计划还仅仅是那建筑师酝酿中的意念。
- a gleam in sb's eye 某人眼里闪烁的光芒
- The cat' s eyes were gleaming in the dark. 猫的眼睛在黑暗中闪闪发光。
- This was when we were living in our seedy flat in London,at a time you were still a gleam in your father's eye. 这就是我们当时住在伦敦一套破房子里的情况,那时你尚在父亲的想像之中,还没有出世呢。
- Your car for the twenty-first century may already be a gleam in the eye of a designer-even on the drawing-board. 你那21世纪的轿车说不定已在设计师的眼中显现-甚至已经在绘图板上。
- American capitalism likes entrepreneurs to have a gleam in their eye, and even tolerates some clawing and scratching as long as the playing field is level and the fight is fair. 美国资本主义喜欢企业家野心勃勃,甚至容忍彼此激烈竞争,只要一切竞争合乎公平原则。
- He had a speculative gleam in his eyes. 他眼睛里闪过一丝探寻的神情。
- A gleam of interest came into her eye. 她的眼睛里显露出一丝感兴趣的神情。
- A gleam of interest in the matter came into her eye. 她的眼睛里显露出一丝对此事感到兴趣的神情。
- There was a dark oily gleam in his sallow face. 他的脸上的青黄色里,映射着一层暗的油光。
- Waiting in the wings for CRT technology to falter are numerous alternatives,some familiar and others little more than a gleam in a research lab tech's eyes. 其它等待开发的制造更平的CRT技术还有多种,有些是人们熟悉的,有些只是在实验室中初露端倪。
- Waiting in the wings for CRT technology to falter are numerous alternatives, some familiar and others little more than a gleam in a research lab tech's eyes. 其它等待开发的制造更平的CRT技术还有多种,有些是人们熟悉的,有些只是在实验室中初露端倪。
- The princess is a big apple of this king 's eye. 公主是这位国王的掌上明珠。
- I think I see a gleam of still quicker wit in your eye. 我好象看见你眼睛里有一种更加敏捷的智慧。
- A gleam of inspiration help him compose his music. 灵感的闪现有助于他写作乐曲。
- Don't put trust in sb who always change his mind! 别信任那些总改变主意的人!
- The man imagined he saw a feverish gleam in the applicant's eye. 这个人觉得自己从这位求职者的眼睛里看到了一丝狂热的光芒。
- His words resurrected a gleam of hope of mine. 他的话使我又产生了一线希望。
- A gleam of interest came into his eyes. 他的眼里流露出一丝关切的目光。
- I would see every little thing with a gleam in my eye 我会用我的眼睛看到微光中的每一个小事物